Strengthening the capabilities, infrastructures, and equipment of SECTI actors.

The strengthening of SECTI involves strengthening the capacities, infrastructures and equipment of public research agents.

This implies the optimization and internationalization of Spanish infrastructures and greater use and participation in international ones. Investments in scientific infrastructures are strategic to boost Europe's capacity to support innovation, technological advances and its global competitiveness. To this end, specific research projects in these Spanish and international research infrastructures will be financed with the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (memberships, mandatory contributions and/or ordinary international participation fees are financed with the State budget for the maintenance of these infrastructures).

The following actions, among others, will be implemented:

  • New software to facilitate interaction between State Research Agency, beneficiaries, other agencies and Ministries.
  • Improvement of specific infrastructures.
  • Improvement of specific capabilities.
  • Improvement and increase of capabilities in state-of-the-art technologies for astrophysical instrumentation and advanced optical technologies.
Fortalecimiento de las capacidades, infraestructuras y equipamientos de los agentes del SECTI


To boost Europe's capacity to support innovation, technological advances and its global competitiveness.

Responsible entity

Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública