National Plan for Natural Language Technologies

The Plan aims to ensure that the promotion of language technologies is carried out in a coordinated manner, seeking synergies and avoiding duplication of efforts, in line with the recommendations of the Commission for the Reform of Public Administrations, CORA.

The plan seeks to help the internationalization of the companies and institutions that make up the sector. Consequently, studies have been undertaken on the state of the art of Language Technologies and the presence of Spanish companies in the sector in the countries with the largest internationalisation markets.

It is essential to broaden Spanish participation in ICT R&D&I in the international sphere, in order to promote intervention in European and international programs. To this end, the TL Plan is actively participating in various European projects such as, for example, those of the CEF Telecom Automated Translation call.

In the field of international cooperation, the National Plan for Natural Language Technologies pays special attention to cooperation with Latin America. Improving cooperation with the Iberian-American community and working together in the creation of resources and open data of interest will be fundamental for leading the implementation of language technologies in Spanish.



Increase the number, quality and availability of language infrastructures in Spanish and co-official languages.
Promote the language industry by fostering the transfer of knowledge between the research sector and industry.
Engaging government as a driver of the natural language processing, machine translation and conversational systems sector.

Responsible entity

Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital