Activa Start-ups Program

The Activa Start-ups Program supports collaboration between emerging companies/start-ups and consolidated companies with innovation potential. Its aim is to promote innovation and the growth of new generation companies, through the development of collaborative environments, also promoting their digitization.

The initiative will be implemented through calls for proposals that may include two types of aid. On the one hand, financial aid to enable companies to meet the costs arising from the innovation process. On the other hand, in-kind benefits, consisting of an accompanying program for the beneficiary companies, providing individualized advice and specific training on key aspects to address objectives.

Activa Startups is applicable throughout Spain and the Autonomous Communities that wish to join the program are expected to participate.

The object of the grants may be any of the following types of actions:

  • Projects for the generation of innovation through the resolution of technological challenges of companies, sectors, cities and/or missions that serve to break social, generational, and territorial gaps.
  • Advice on innovation in the field of technology, to respond to challenges posed in companies seeking open innovation through solutions based on disruptive technologies.
  • Actions aimed at acquiring new knowledge and skills that may be useful for the development of new products, processes, or services, or allow for the significant improvement of existing ones.
  • Demonstration, adaptation, and customization of various technologies, testing and experimentation with digital technologies, knowledge and technology transfer, validation tests, proof of concept, production of prototypes, etc.
Activa Startups


Promote innovation and the growth of new generation companies, through the development of collaborative environments.
Promote the digitization of new generation companies with personalized advice.

Responsible entity

Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital