Promotion and digitization of audiovisual activities, promotion and internationalization and attraction of investment.

This axis of the Plan to Boost the Audiovisual Sector includes measures aimed at promoting audiovisual production by SMEs with financial resources, supporting and encouraging access by Spanish audiovisual production companies to foreign markets and publicizing Spain's attractiveness as a destination for foreign investment.

The measures already implemented under this axis will now be reinforced with the deployment of new actions and programs, such as the R&D Projects Program for audiovisual and video game technologies, aid under the Program for the promotion, modernization and digitization of the audiovisual sector, and aid for digital creation and innovation in audiovisual production.

  • The R&D Projects Program for Audiovisual and Video Game Technologies, endowed with 30 million euros and developed through the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), will finance R&D projects for the development of new technologies for application in the fields of audiovisual production and the video game sector, and the transfer and adaptation of these developments to other application sectors, enabling Spain to position itself as a center of reference in this field.
  • Within the framework of the program for the Promotion, Modernization and Digitalization of the audiovisual sector, aid worth 24.8 million euros will be launched for the incorporation of digital technologies into audiovisual products and services; the digitalization of management tools for the remuneration of creators; participation in festivals and fairs in the sector; innovation in the creation and development of audiovisual and digital content in its various formats (series, video games, animation and others), the dissemination and exploitation of productions, and the interaction and loyalty of audiences.


Fomento Digital


Increase the participation of SMEs in audiovisual production.
Promote the visibility of Spanish audiovisual production companies abroad.
Attract foreign investment by publicizing Spain's attractiveness.

Responsible entity

Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital