The main objective of the UNICO R&D Programs is to strengthen research, development, and innovation activities to consolidate Spain´s leadership in European and national projects of cloud infrastructure, edge computing technology, semiconductors, and quantum communication. This measure is expected to be implemented by the end of 2025.
UNICO R&D envisages three main programs:
- UNICO R&D Cloud, through which Spanish companies participating in the Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) for next-generation cloud and edge services and infrastructure (IPCEI-CIS) will be supported.
- UNICO R&D Microprocessors, which will support Spanish companies participating in the Microelectronics and Communication Technologies IPCEI (IPCEI-ME-TC).
- UNICO R&D Quantum, which aims to develop the necessary space capabilities to design, develop and build the first quantum mission for the distribution of quantum keys.
El principal objetivo de los Programas de UNICO I+D es reforzar las actuaciones de investigación, desarrollo e innovación que permitan favorecer la consolidación de España como líder en proyectos europeos y nacionales en materia de infraestructura en la nube, tecnología edge computing, semiconductores y comunicación cuántica. El plazo de ejecución previsto para esta medida es de finales de 2025.
The action seeks to support Spanish companies participating in the Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) in microelectronics (IPCEI-ME), prioritizing projects based on open RISCV infrastructure architectures and photonics technology projects. |
This program aims to develop the space capabilities needed to design, develop and build the first Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) mission on board a geostationary satellite. |