The UNICO Data program arose from the approval of the new General Telecommunications Law, transposition of Directive 2018/1972 of the European Electronic Communications Code.
Through this program, a platform and single point of information on connectivity and digital infrastructures is being developed: both with regard to the provision of final telecommunications services and the infrastructures that enable these services to reach end users; the necessary information and assistance to manage all the administrative procedures required by the different local, regional and state regulations. This would include the renewal of georeferenced maps of fixed and mobile network coverage, in this case with information aggregated by technology.
Additionally, in the framework of the European Commission's Recommendation on Connectivity (2020), collaboration will be carried out with Member States in the development of a common approach in the form of a toolkit, containing best practices in the deployment of very high capacity fixed and mobile networks and 5G, and the necessary actions will be developed to implement the toolkit resulting from the Recommendation in the national framework.
The main groups that will benefit from this measure will be telecommunications and digital infrastructure operators, as well as the public.