Spain as international cybersecurity node

Strengthening Spain as a benchmark for cybersecurity in Europe is essential to help the national business ecosystem to expand beyond its borders.

To advance this objective, among other actions, the National Cybersecurity Competence Centre (NCC-ES), a mirror center of the European Competence Center (ECCC), will be set up, also promoting participation in the European Network of Mirror Centers.

Within the scope of this Center:

  • The implementation of European-funded projects for the development of common capabilities at European level will be encouraged.
  • Funds will be earmarked for the implementation of cascade funding projects in which Spanish entities will benefit.
  • Support actions and studies will be promoted as a national coordination center.




Strengthen Spain as a benchmark in European cybersecurity, contributing to scaling up the business ecosystem.
To boost Spain's international visibility in the field of cybersecurity.
Actively participate in the different international cybersecurity initiatives.
Responsible entity
Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública

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