The Strategic Projects for Economic Recovery and Transformation (PERTE) are a new public-private collaboration instrument in which the different public administrations, companies and research centers collaborate. Its objective is to promote large projects with the capability to boost economic growth, employment and the competitiveness of the Spanish economy. They also serve as the main pillar for the coherent articulation, throughout the national territory, of investments in the driving sectors of the transformation and modernization of the economy.
To date, 11 of these strategic projects have been approved and launched, which will mobilize public investment of more than 30 billion euros. The PERTEs launched are developed in key areas for the present and future of the country such as:
- Automotive
- Cutting-edge health
- Renewable energies
- Green hydrogen and storage
- The agri-food system
- The circular economy
- The shipbuilding and aviation industries
- Digitalization of the water cycle
- The new care-taking economy
- The new economics of language
- Microelectronics and semiconductors
All of them have an important digital component and an innovative nature, guaranteeing the resilience of the economy. Among the projects initiated, the New Economics of Language PERTE, set in motion to maximize the value of Spanish and the co-official languages in the digital transformation process, and the Microelectronics and Semiconductors PERTE, to comprehensively develop the design and production capabilities of the Spanish microelectronics and semiconductor industry, stand out due to their driving force for the digital transformation process.
The PERTE for the development of the electric and connected vehicle (PERTE VEC) is a comprehensive initiative on the industrial value chain of the electric and connected vehicle in order to create an ecosystem necessary for the manufacture and development of the electric and connected vehicle in Spain. It envisages a total investment of more than 24 billion euros in the period 2021-2023, with a public sector contribution of 4.3 billion euros and private investment of 19.7 billion euros.
PERTE Aerospace seeks to position the Spanish aerospace sector as a key player in the new challenges and opportunities associated with the major transformations expected in the sector. This strategic project will promote innovation, sustainability and digitalisation actions in manufacturing centres and will unite and connect the innovation ecosystem. It plans to mobilise around 4,533 million euros between 2021 and 2025, with a public sector contribution of around 2,193 million euros and private investment of around 2,340 million.
The PERTE for Renewable Energy, Green Hydrogen and Storage (PERTE ERHA) aims to underpin the areas associated with the energy transition in which Spain is well positioned, such as renewable energies, power electronics, storage and renewable hydrogen, and to strengthen those with less presence. To this end, innovation and digital transformation of the productive fabric will be promoted, providing our country with the advanced tools and instruments that will enable it to tackle the energy transition with its own capacities.
The PERTE Circular Economy will give a definitive boost to the incorporation of the circular economy in Spanish industry, accelerating the transition from the linear economic model to a circular economy. It seeks to alleviate the pressure on finite natural resources, guarantee the sustainability of the planet and gain in efficiency and competitiveness.
The PERTE for the Digitalization of the Water Cycle promotes the use of new information technologies in the integral water cycle, which will improve its governance and transparency, increase its efficiency, reduce losses in supply networks and make progress in meeting environmental objectives.
PERTE - Agri-Food addresses the digitisation of the agri-food sector as an essential tool for achieving the objectives of sustainability and competitiveness and social and territorial cohesion linked to food production.
The PERTE for Vanguard Health focuses on fostering the sustainable generation of a rejuvenated, resilient and prosperous industrial sector and the creation of transgenerational quality employment, geared towards the protection of collective and individual health through a digitally transformed high-performance healthcare system.
The PERTE of social and care economy promotes a model of economy focused on people and professionalizes the health care and dependency sector, especially from the perspective of aging and the fight against depopulation. Among its lines of action, it promotes the improvement of competitiveness among Social Economy SMEs, in order to face the digital transformation with more guarantees; and promotes digital skills in the care sector.
The PERTE New Language Economy aims to mobilise public and private investment to maximise the value of Spanish and the co-official languages in the process of digital transformation worldwide, driving the entire value chain of the new knowledge economy and artificial intelligence.
This PERTE has a public investment of 1.1 billion euros and, through public-private partnerships, aims to mobilise an additional 1 billion euros of investment.
The PERTE for microelectronics and semiconductors (PERTE Chip) aims to strengthen the design and production capacities of the microelectronics and semiconductor industry in Spain, favouring national and EU strategic autonomy in this sector, in line with the provisions of the Digital Compass and the European Chip Act recently proposed by the European Commission.
This strategic project is expected to mobilise public investment of 12.25 billion euros by 2027, which will in turn trigger a significant volume of private investment.
El PERTE (Proyectos Estratégicos para la Recuperación y Transformación Económica) Descarbonización Industrial tiene como objetivo la reducción de emisiones de carbono en el sector industrial mediante del uso de tecnologías innovadoras y prácticas ecoeficientes. La meta del programa es establecer una industria competitiva, digitalizada y climáticamente neutra, que cree empleos de calidad y contribuya a la soberanía económica.