Spain is in a favorable position to tackle the technological and scientific revolution that artificial intelligence represents.
For decades there has been huge investment in information and communication infrastructure and technologies, such as high-performance computing facilities that can process massive amounts of data.
Moreover, the existence of excellent public and private R&D&I clusters, the progress in the digitization of public administration, and the presence of leading companies in key sectors - such as telecommunications, retail, and distribution, health, mobility, construction, financial services, tourism, agri-food - which have a tractor effect, offer a great opportunity for the integration and deployment of artificial intelligence.
Spanish R&D&I expenditure (1.24% of GDP) is lower than the EU average (2% of GDP) and the situation in the case of business innovation is even more unfavorable. There is no transfer between knowledge produced in universities and companies in the field of artificial intelligence.
It is therefore necessary to launch initiatives for the technological development of companies in this field, as well as to promote sectors of applications that are strategic for Spain, such as the agri-food sector, tourism and hospitality, energy, mobility and climate change, and health.
To achieve European leadership in the deployment of artificial intelligence, Spain needs to boost the field of research, development and innovation. In order to continue advancing towards this goal, different initiatives will be carried out:
- AI R&D Missions Programme.
- Multidisciplinary Institute for AI and Neurotechnologies.
- Network of Excellence in AI.
El programa de ayudas Misiones de I+D en Inteligencia Artificial financia proyectos de investigación industrial o desarrollo experimental en materia de inteligencia artificial para abordar los grandes desafíos sociales en sectores de gran relevancia y alta capacidad de disrupción e impacto. Los proyectos que deseen optar al programa deberán hacerlo a través de la modalidad de cooperación, formando parte del consorcio al menos, una gran empresa, un organismo de investigación y difusión de conocimiento y cinco pymes.
Spain Neurotech, o el Centro Nacional de Neurotecnología, es un centro pionero en España y Europa creado para el desarrollo de herramientas tecnológicas basadas en los fundamentos del cerebro humano. Spain Neurotech es uno de los cinco centros en el mundo especializados en esta disciplina, y pretende impulsar la consolidación de la comunidad científica experta en este campo.
This program seeks to position Spain at the forefront of thinking and research in artificial intelligence, with interdisciplinary training programs, research programs, and mechanisms for attracting and retaining talent. The network will be created under the coordination of the Ministry of Universities and will incorporate existing public centers specializing in artificial intelligence.