Among the areas where the transformative potential of digital technologies is greatest in the healthcare sector, personalized precision medicine stands out: a way of treating patients that incorporates genomic data on individuals and combines it with clinical, radiological, environmental exposure, lifestyle, socioeconomic and other relevant factors to provide more precise and integrated patient information, in order to make better decisions about the individuals’ and public health.
The implementation of personalized precision medicine in any healthcare system requires a combined development of infrastructures, analytical capability and professional training, as well as its integration into conventional healthcare dynamics and the incorporation of new industrial developments.
In order to promote the implementation of personalized precision medicine in an equitable way, favoring the development and creation of competitive companies, several initiatives will be implemented, including the deployment of a flagship project for personalized precision health with the aim of improving the health of the Spanish population, using scientific knowledge and innovation as a vector. This project will include among its actions the implementation of the Data Science Plan for Health, with the aim that health data, with special attention to genomic and molecular data, will be used in a standardized, efficient, and safe way in the NHS, and analyzed in an integrated way together with other data relevant to health, for the benefit of the public.