Regulatory reforms and elimination of administrative barriers

The actions contemplated in this axis aim to review the regulation of the audiovisual sector, incorporating the new active subjects of the sector and the new modalities in which audiovisual services are provided and consumed.

To this end, intensive work has been carried out in recent months on the Draft General Law on Audiovisual Communication, approved by the Spanish Parliament on 22 June 2022, and on the Preliminary Draft Law on Cinema and Audiovisual Culture. Now, work will continue for the entry into force of the latter and its subsequent dissemination.

In addition, work will continue to simplify and speed up the administrative procedures necessary for the granting of authorizations and visas to foreign audiovisual professionals, including the dissemination of the actions already carried out.

In addition, annual reports on the Spanish audiovisual sector will be drawn up, which will not only provide information on the evolution and current state of each of the subsectors that make up the audiovisual sector but will also help to evaluate the effectiveness of the reforms and investments made, as well as to identify priority areas for intervention.



Simplify and streamline administrative processes by improving implementing legislation.

Responsible entity

Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública