Fondo Next-Tech

The Next-Tech Fund is a joint initiative of the Instituto de Crédito Oficial and the Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence.

The goal of this fund is to foster the development of innovative high-impact digital projects and investment in scale-ups by strengthening public financing instruments, attracting international funds and boosting the venture capital sector.

It is constituted as a fund of funds, and therefore invests mainly in funds or vehicles that in turn invest mainly in Spanish companies operating in the target technology sectors and in scale-up sizes, investments between venture capital and expansion capital.

It aims to mobilise up to 4 billion euros in public-private partnerships with the Spanish venture capital sector by taking stakes and subscribing commitments in companies/funds specialising primarily in the following digital and artificial intelligence sectors.

Fondo Next Tech


Encourage development and investment in scales-ups.
Attract talent and innovative foreign companies to Spain for the development of their activities in the digitalisation sector.
Attract foreign venture capital funds and other investors to Spanish companies.
Encourage Spanish companies to stay and develop their activities in Spain by offering attractive and competitive sources of financing compared to financing options abroad.
To provide Spanish companies with an instrument of sufficient size to finance the investments that will enable them to scale up their operations and grow.
Develop the private equity sector in Spain, encouraging Spanish funds to participate in more and larger deals.

Responsible entity

Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo
Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital